
But He Has Kids…

I’ve always been taught that you date to marry. No need to waste time. I’m sure by now you’re wondering why he isn’t “Dating Material”, its simple, he has a child. Not just a child, but a daughter. I’m flexible when it comes to what I want in a man, but a relationship with God is a must and no children allowed. Now hear me out. Yes, he’s an amazing father; but I don’t want to start out playing second. Simple as that….And for that reason he feels like I’m selfish.


Help Yourself!

This heartless, poor excuse for a human had the audacity to say the people of Haiti are sitting around waiting on “Handouts” and they should “Help Themselves”. I’m floored right now….seriously, what human, forget race, could look at those pictures, see all those bodies in the road, see the devastation and still say they should “Help Themselves”?


The List

Its funny how we have our life’s planned out. We want to do “this” by the time we’re this age and we want to accomplish “that” before we’re another age. I must admit, when I was about 12 I wrote down everything I wanted to accomplish and the age at which I wanted to accomplish those things. I won’t say I had some unrealistic expectations but I did have some unrealistic time frames.